Beyond Mentoring

Joseph McClendon III and the Neuroencoding Institute present:

What Would Happen
If ...
Instead of waiting until the circumstances are just right to go after your dreams, you started acting on what you know right now?

Imagine what your life would be like with the tools to:

  • Reach your next level of income, wealth, health, happiness, and lifestyle as a high net-worth individual and business owner
  • Achieve lasting success as an elite earner in your industry as an entrepreneur or in your chosen profession
  • Grow and improve mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and in your relationships and presence in the world

As Seen On:


If you're reading this, then you recognize the importance and the power of taking control of your own thought process so you can go further faster in taking your life to the next level.

“Beyond Mentoring” is a step-by-step, user-friendly, mental, emotional, and physical conditioning process. It’s designed to go straight to the core of your internal thought process to eliminate that which does not serve and replace it with that which does.

Masterminds and coaching are great, but this is the proven, neuroscience-backed strategy you need to make them work ... and the strategy that most of these programs lack. Whether you desire to make more money, gain physical health and energy, have more freedom, create the lifestyle that you deserve and desire… or ALL OF THE ABOVE,  you owe it to yourself and those that you love to see, hear, and feel how you function at your absolute optimum…and now is your time.

Procrastination, hesitation, fear of failure, fear of rejection, and self-doubt are the thieves of your dreams ... and they are all products of lack of mental and emotional control. If you are serious about moving to your next level, you must take control of your own mindset to release habits and activities that sabotage your success.

If you want to be a part of a system and be mentored like that without having to pay $10,000, $50,000,$ 150,000 or even $350,000 a year to join (that's how much individual mentoring costs) ...

Then this may very well be the most important step that you will take:


As A Member, Here's What You Get:

Every 2-3 days you will receive a video and lesson to do:

Remember this is not just advice and motivation. The simple exercises are designed to help you program yourself for internal, personal growth and external activity so that you become more effective in whatever it is that you do.

Exclusive Access to Training & Processes:

Where I reveal the personal and business success mechanics that have changed the lives of countless thousands.

Instant Access to The Beyond Mentoring Private Facebook Community:

Network and learn from like-minded millionaires, entrepreneurs, achievers and who are all elevating each other to the next level.

PLUS … You’ll get exclusive access to to these EXTRA BONUSES:

  • Self Certainly Master Classes (3 Audios and Downloadable Workbook) 
  • The Neuroencoding Edge Video Series 
  • Awesome Sauce e-book available for immediate download

Who is Joseph McClendon?

Joseph McClendon III is a Doctor of Neuropsychology, co-founder of The Neuroencoding Institute, and one of the most sought after Ultimate Performance Specialists in the industry. His unique brand of Tell, Show, Do teaching and coaching creates rapid personal change that effectively moves people like you to take more consistent action and go Further Faster with your personal and business achievements.

Joseph has delivered hundreds of workshops, coaching sessions, keynote addresses, seminars and training programs, and one-on-one therapeutic interventions and has presented to well over 5 million people around the globe. His genuine care for the people he coaches coupled with his remarkable ability to go straight to the core of the challenge and effect rapid change makes Joseph a unique commodity in business, health and wellness, and personal improvement.

Joseph is one of the most passionate and playful guys I’ve ever met. This is a guy that applies every tool imaginable to improve his live and help other people. Over our twenty five years of being able to work together. He is the guy that I hand the ball to in some really key places. So pick it up and delight yourself with the insights of Joseph McClendon III.
Tony Robbins
I have attended many events where I felt uncomfortable as a Black woman but once seeing Joseph I felt connected empowered. Joseph has the cutting edge on how to get you out of your head and Into your life. Thank you for Growing.. Learning and leading.. you have made a huge contribution to Who I am and what I believe as a woman… so must say thank you.
Stormy Wellington
It is impossible to walk away from and experience with this man without having been deeply impacted to the point that you will take action and create major results. Simply amazing.
Michelle Sorro
"Extra” TV Host

For a limited time, you can get FREE access to the “Beyond Mentoring” program for one week, and then only $12 per month after.

 Click below to join before this opportunity passes you by and you miss out forever! 

And Remember … Life is exactly what you dare to make it and FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD. It’s time to Boldly step up and Dare to make your life MAGNIFICENT!

to learn more about how The Neuroencoding Institute can supercharge your results?